Tuesday, August 23, 2011
One Sweet Week...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Jamison Douglas Higley
This is right after my epideral, if i look worried, it's because i am. :] i had that look on my face in every picture.
So i wasn't sure how i felt about writing the birth story, i mean, who really wants to know what happend? But as it turns out, i think that motherhood had changed my opinion, afterall, it is a miracle by which we have children, and i couldn't help but want to share. SO... here goes.
Turns out my sweet little baby boy likes to take his time, or well i guess it's more like, make the decision, he wasn't going to go anywhere until he was ready. I was 40 weeks exactly at my last doctor visit, and for three weeks i'd had contractions, but i wouldn't dilate. My doctor decided that he would give us the weekend, (fri-mon) then if nothing happened he would induce me monday morning. Well, nothing happend. So jake and I prepared for and went in at 7:30 AM for my scheduled induction. The doctor was going to break my water upon arrival, but i was still not dilated at all, so they started PIT and the fun began. Contractions started about 30 minutes after we started the pit and were coming strong and regular. It took me from 8:oo till about 5:00 to get to 2 cm. I planned for a LONG night. I got my epideral at about 5:00, which i was kindof disapointed because i wanted to wait till i was more dilated, but i'm glad i did it when i did now. Right after the epideral, the Doctor broke my water and told me that it would take about one hour to go 1CM for most people, but for me it was possible i'd go slower. The epideral only worked on my left side so they had to try a bunch of different things so i could be completley numb. My mom always told me her horrible story when her epideral didn't work and i was preparing for the worst, that i would also have a non-working epideral. After about an hour or so they finally figured it out and i was able to be completely numb. Oh my am i grateful for drugs! The epideral made the baby's heartbeat drop, and they think he was smashing the cord so they had me lay on my side and every 10 mintues of so they would have me turn over, so i really wasn't able to get any rest. They checked me at 9:30 PM and they said i was ALMOST a 5, and we kept up with the turning. At about 10:30 i started feeling pain//pressure on my left side and i began to feel nauseous. The doctor came in a checked me and said i was complete, that i was ready to begin pushing. I wasn't entirely prepared for this part of the event, i mean i thought it was hours away, so it kinda put me into shock that the baby was so close. I struggled remembering to breath, so they put me on oxygen, because when i would hold my breath the baby's heartbeat would drop. I hadn't slept at all the whole day so i was extreamly exhasted and that made pushing really hard for me. After about an hour or so of pushing the baby scared me, his heartbeat got so slow i thought it was going to stop and i decided right then that i needed to get him out! That helped me to focus my efforts and get some real progress done. Jake did amazing, he was the best coach a girl could ask for, i would fall asleep between contractions so he would have to feel my tummy to see if i was having a contraction or watch the screen, then he'd wake me up and tell me it was time to push, he would count down, and even tell me the progress i'd made. Without him by my side i don't think i could've done it. The baby finally arrived at 12:19 and it was the most amazing moment of my life. He was the most beautiful thing i'd ever seen in my life, and i was instantly smitten. My most favorite part was that he had a head of hair. He cried to reassure his momma, but then just looked around the room and at Jake and i the rest of the time. He is the BEST baby a girl could ask for, and perfectly handsome :] Welcome to the world Jamison!